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summer bliss.

Twitter: @summerbliss





NRA (: adriano andee baowen bentoh bigjon cash charlene charmaine cheecheng chin clement colin daniel daphne dawn david dayvid donald eekiat elieenlee eric evelyn eve Felicia felicia freddy giam glen grace gurion hannah hiangsuan huijia irwin isaac ivan ivan(nra) ivy jacinta jaei jamiechan jamielim jiajun jayden jaymee jessica jiawei joan joanna joanna joel jonathan josephine kahkit kaifeng khim mandy maxine melise miateck mingkai nicole(nra) nicole orange peggy peifen peiyi qiling qirui qiujin randy red ronnie samantha sarah sandra seeweng shane shimin shira steffi stepf steve sofina sonia terence tiffany vanessa victoria wanling weien weihsin weijie weisan weiqi xavier xiangtian xiaobei xiaoqiang xiaxue xing yewseng yongkiat yupin yvonne zhiqiang zhiyang


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Tagged by Clement:
*so which means i had to do this...yeah!!*
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual"book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people
"I had brought the story to Morrie this morning because i wondered if Turner ever found himself in my old professor's position, his breath disappearing, his body turning to stone, his days being crossed off the calender one by one---would he really be crying over a network?
-taken from tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
(waaa..the fifth sentence of the book i pick was damn long can.
keep , , , , like never put full stop de...right hor is end wf ? also not full stop. haha!!)
My victims:
1. Sofina
2. Wei Hsin
3. Wei San
4. Sandra
5. U...yes! u the person in front of the com...do hor..thankz man!! *smile*

2:43 PM

Thursday, August 24, 2006

today is my lucky day...everything seems so cool...
nothing went wrong today...
cell bio paper was easy...can get A :)
the buses today love me...
i reach bus stop count to 10 bus will appear...
105...158..154...all like tt
(charmiane said tt she is my lucky star...wf her around everthing i do veri lucky..haha)
O level oral topic was wad i do best....
c totally in luck man...confirm can pass oral..haha but overall dunno yet..
hope this luck continue...
it is HOLIDAY...
everything is so perfect today...lived today to the fullest...yeah!!

4:06 PM

BIO exam was easy
i knew every question...but confirm will have error one..
but still gd enough..can get A..yeah!!!
finally it is the long waited...HOLIDAY>>r here!!
hai!! i still had english ORAL...serve me right..no choice hu ask me fail EL last year...
this year muz pass man..
jie you SHUN...ORAL at 2pm at St. Gab..hope it will b fine...
now i need all the luck...
*strive hard...

12:27 PM

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

currently take a short break!! gonna start studying again at 3.00pm..
CELL BIO is not tt tough after all...so far i studied
molecular biology of the gene...the patterns of inheritence..
the gene regulation of the prokaroytic...mitosis..
yes i noe veri little...i m trying!!!!
CELL BIO module i pass le...so i think the stress level is not there..so i m taking my own sweet time ...but will still jie you de... :)
now hoping for a A...
cuz if i got A my papa will buy TV with SCV put in my new house's room..soo damn gd lor..
yeah!! aim for the A...
*BORING life man....this period have been mugging...after tml i m FREE...
can't wait for tml to come...IT IS PARTY TIME!!!
...here i come...

2:33 PM

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

i got a NEW phone!!

yeah!! this is the one...MOTOROLA L6

it is the first motorola phone i ever own...been using nokia still like trillion era ago...

hmmm...this is not my dream phone...DUH...but at least it is free..i dun have to pay a single cent..so yeah..cuz thankz to my dad..he could get free phonesssss every year..dunno y..but since he took then i take n use lor...my SIS took the pink motorola phone...yeah NEW phones for my family member...my DAD also had a NEW phone..but he is keeping it till the phone tt he is using wear out...so yeah!!

think back...the old phone i use also not veri old la...onli use for one year...haha...

gd thing is my dad every year can get new phoness for the family so we keep changing n changing... :) tt y he was soo not into me signing line for my dream phone...cuz sign muz use for 2 years right??..haha...oh nvm....

happy day anyway!!...i got reward even though i dunno my OBC pass or fail...thakzz DAD...c so gd hor..next year take my dream phone home!!...*BIG SMILE*


*off to mug cell bio..hope there are more rewards coming!! haha

3:25 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006

OBC EXAM totally SUX big time...
SUX to the core!!!!
i was late for the paper...
we need to be there 10 minutes before the paper starts n i dun noe...
i went there like 5 minutes before the actual starting time...n was held outside till like 10 minutes later...WTF!!!...
nvm...i spend the time revising n revising...so it was kinda useful... :)
the paper was a utter crap...
Q1 was 20 marks n it was damn difficult...
i hate naming compounds...n Q1 got name compounds...shit la...then i crack my poor little brain...squeeze wadever little brain juice i had n wrote some stuff on to my paper..
hope can get some marks...
Q2 also organic question..i hate the organic part...but this Q rather ok..
Q3...15 marks...totally gone...fly away...gone for life....cuz i part a already wrong...
cuz of naming too...they gave us the name call us draw the compound...i dunno name de...so like tt lor...c my 15 marks fly...
Q4..photosynthesis chapter..i love it...cuz is biochem...yeah!!
Q5..the pruvate question...abit tough..hope can get markzz
Q6..lipids...easy...except the emulifying part...dunno tt one..
Q7..carbohydrate...i m fine...
Q8..amino acid...ok ok..but i noe this Q i 3markz gone le...cuz the SH stupid stuff la...i dunno cannot form disulfide brides lor..oh man!
Q9..metabolism...okok...5 marks...i got them all!!!
in conclusion...
i onli like the bio question..hate the chemistry portion..so tough...name this draw tt...AARHHHH!!! it is too tough to handle...
i still wan to pass/do well...if possible give me a B...i dun hope for A le...
B gd enough!!
the next challenge!!

11:36 PM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

hey peeps...wish me best of luck!!
tml is the terrible OBC final exam...
yes..i wan to make it MY final time taking OBC...
i wan to pass...!!!*crossfinger*
i did my best..studied all the stuff i can...i did my part...
now is all up to heaven to decide my fate...
i added the four leave cloves..in this post..cuz i heard fm somewhere tt this leaf is lucky...
it can help one to b lucky..n i need tt...to pass OBC...
*weird..think study too much OBC le...i c the leaf it reminds me of photosynthesis...
light dependent n light independent...light independent also need light..cuz need the NADPH n ATP produced during light dependent RXN...*
* c start to recall what i noe abt this chapter...still got photosystem 1 n photosystem 2...CALVIN cycle...cyclic n non cyclic photophopholation////...omg..i m going insane...driven by OBC....
c tell y OBC is deadly...i drives one mad...

10:56 PM

Saturday, August 19, 2006

just checked my results for both my cell bio n OBC...
these marks are onli 60% of my final year grade...
...haven add the 5% participation markz -_-"
Cell Bio..53.5/60 :)
c the big different....told u peeps i sux at OBC...shit man..how to pass Obc..i so dun wan to retake...hope i can get the full 5% for the 0bc so i can get 43.8/60..at least better than the shocking 38.8%...hai!!
off to mug obc..duh!! monday doom day lei lor...muzz at least pass man...
jie you shun...u can do it....!!!
some self encouragement...haha..

1:00 PM

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

how can i forget to wish our nation happy birthday...
this is my present for singapore...i did a picz for her...

41 years old le but still strong..yeah!!! love singapore to the core//

*muckz*happy belated birthday....

-back to life-

just came back from the Menacing Murderous OBC exta class...kinda exhausted now...miss teh said that the final year exam is gonna kill...she set 15% challening question to murder us...she is so mean... she wan us all to fail...set the paper till so tough for wad...been told how the format of the papper is going to b...

50% --direct question...she said is easy to score here..hu believe!!! her direct is also tough..

35%---modified question...she said is a gift...hu believe!!

15%--challening question...she said is to determine the A fm the AD..crap man...dun even think i will get a A so this 15% does not concern me!!!

so in total..i onli left wf 85%...shit her la...oh wadever...dun care le la...now resting...so got energy to battle HER PAPER....

*went through past year paper...i dun seems to noe any single questions...she give ans i onli copy copy lor...understand? i dun think so...hack la...later then go digest her ans...hai!!!

i wan to complain...miss teh is like bullet train...soooo fast...i dun catch her...all she do is tok n tok n tok n tok n tok n tok...then we listen wf lots ??????-question mark in our head...y like this y like tt i also dunno...oh i m soo dead......ZZZZZZ...


4:18 PM

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Currently, i enjoy listening to dong fang shen qi' s song. It is veri nice.
dun believe go listen lor....
RISING SUN>>damn hip...the dance also veri pro..
SKY>>the mtv shooting location is veri beautiful...
HUG>> is another nice song....
MY DESTINY>>not bad..
DRIVE>>i like this mtv...go youtube watch...
-this is wad they wear in the MTV SKY-
Dong fang shen qi can really dance....plus BOA is their senoir...
i idolized stars tt can dance n sing at the same time...veri talented can..
like boa..jolin..
plus+++ the clothes dong fang shen qi wear veri nice..yeah this is the jap/korean wear i m looking for....haha..japan/korean clothes..fashion all veri cool...but i think if buy le also will not wear out de...cuz is like so unsuitable to wear in singapore...later got too much attention...so malu can..ppl stare n stare..look n look..see n see...eeee...sux la...
kk..enough of DFSQ...back to my life...
hummm...these day i had been studying for the final year exam...so sux can.. no life like tt...
wake up..is either play comp or study...i miss going out....after exam i muzz go out almost everyday....cannot stand staying at home tooo long...rooting le la....hu wan chio me out...so far haven play my holidays yet..hurry ppl i dun wan rot at home during my holidays...ask me out hor...thankzz soo much man...*smile*
i had been reading alot on OBC...esp the bio part..carbo..lips..photosynthesis...
i had not started on cell bio...cuz i find my OBC weaker...so planning to spent more time on my "suckest" subject.
time is running out.time is not waiting for me...also gd la...it means holidays r coming...hurry!!!
time hurry past hor...the best is tml wake up holiday le...fast forward the exam period...-_-"
sry i noe i veri-_-"
k back to reality....off to mug..OBC still got long way....i scan the past year papers for OBC n found out tt i dun even noe how to do most of the question..abot 80% dunno wad the shit the teacher asking for...crap la...i m going to fail OBC again...wa liao...how can like tt...hai!!!
OBC is my murder can...i can forsee BLOOD staining my paper...red crosses everywhere....
hate OBC..study so hard later fail ..wtf...cannot let this happen man...
off to fight wf OBC le...i muz win man...
jie you shun..muz murder OBC b4 OBC murder me...yeah!!killl OBC...get OBC out of my life..
i dun wan repeat....
-OBC SUX!!!-

6:09 PM

Sunday, August 13, 2006

HURRY! i m on study leave...
BUT BUT BUT...i m going to stay at home to mug...
haha...i m such a good boy...not more going out n playing computer for this week...
hummm...mayb play computer can la...to destess...one day at least muz study abit...chapter by chapter..
i soo hate OBC
...obc sux!!!...
i love Cell Bio
...cell bio rox big time!!!...
anyway i still had to study them...the good thing is i onli had this two module for final year exam//
...DOME DAY...
21th aug----OBC final exam
(hope i can pass...hopeless subject...at least pass it..i dun wan retake)
24th aug---Cell Bio final year
( MUZ get A or A+...this is my fav subject..i m so proud of this subject...been scoring it..so muz maintain..)
24th aug----O level oral for my english
( yes i retake english....i agree i sux at english...D7...wtf...so this time i onli hope to pass ... C6 or C5..dun ask for too much..)
these piz are rather old...cuZ no time edit them..so posted onli now...
hope it is nice...sry i veri narcissistic...hope u understand...*smile*

10:21 PM

Thursday, August 10, 2006

"At last!" you might signed...i m finally bloging...*smile*
sorry for the dead blog...
let's c wad should i blog abt....
k i shall blog abt the superband grand finals....
LUCIFY was great... they were rocking the whole expo...
simply adore their performance...a pity tt they did not make it for the next round to fight for the superband position...hai!! wad a waste....
LUCIFY outfit for the grand finals was damn nice can..i like it...their style n all...j-rock band veri few in s'pore...a rare genre...
According to some source lucify actually lost to soul by onli a mear 1%...
can you believe only 1%...so little...wad a waste...cannot hear them perform all 4 songs tt practice...nvm they did their best..ya!! rock on lucify...
wanner music mayb going to sign them...also according to some source...hope it is true...
then lucify can cut their own album...cannot wait..haha...
-enough of lucify-
now is my life...
i had my practical exams today...
cell bio n obc practical...over...hurry// lets' celebrate//
now onli left final year paper to sit..then holiday le..omg...time really flies....hope i can excel my final year...*drop a coin in to wishing well*
( next week no sch...study leave...gonna stay at home to mug n mug...muz score man)

11:27 PM