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summer bliss.

Twitter: @summerbliss





NRA (: adriano andee baowen bentoh bigjon cash charlene charmaine cheecheng chin clement colin daniel daphne dawn david dayvid donald eekiat elieenlee eric evelyn eve Felicia felicia freddy giam glen grace gurion hannah hiangsuan huijia irwin isaac ivan ivan(nra) ivy jacinta jaei jamiechan jamielim jiajun jayden jaymee jessica jiawei joan joanna joanna joel jonathan josephine kahkit kaifeng khim mandy maxine melise miateck mingkai nicole(nra) nicole orange peggy peifen peiyi qiling qirui qiujin randy red ronnie samantha sarah sandra seeweng shane shimin shira steffi stepf steve sofina sonia terence tiffany vanessa victoria wanling weien weihsin weijie weisan weiqi xavier xiangtian xiaobei xiaoqiang xiaxue xing yewseng yongkiat yupin yvonne zhiqiang zhiyang


Sunday, September 30, 2007

went to get my copy of agent J today. (:
i dun understand y it is rated M18. -_-"
the content are so not M18 can.
the 3 "movie" in tt dvd rox rox rox .
jolin too hot to handle. haha
jolin kicked ass.

joilin is got to kill this time.
i so love love jolin (:
* get your copy now, if u have not. (:

9:06 PM

summer went to a sale wf jo mk n pf on 28-09-07. (:
it was scary...crazy shoppers everywhere.. ( including me)
look at the amount of ppl.
it was a PRIVATE sale n yet there are ALOT ALOT of ppl.
cannot imagine if the sales was open for the public.

everyone is everywhere.
ppl are digging n digging for buys.
so scary.
look at this.
expensive clothes (used to be) r like treated as rags n cloths.

so scary right. beware of crazy shoppers. they bite!

12:40 AM

Saturday, September 29, 2007

mooncake festival
mid-"summer" festival -_-"
i know i m damn slow.
it is like been a few days and i m blogging abt it now.
we had our fair share of fun during the festival.
we kind of travel back in time into our adolescent era where lantern is the best present ever recieved. (:
i really been awhile since i last handled a lantern, let alone celebrate the festival.
if not for them, i will most probably be spending it in front of my TV/computor.
to prove that we actually lighted the lantern. (: hahawe had EVERYTHING needed to enjoy the festival.
mooncake, candles,lanterns,sparkles...
i had fun. did u?
miss wei san. my impt hotline and a great friend. mk kissed peifen -_-"
ok it is NOT REAL.
me,being the photographer wannabe,tried playing wf the angles and i caught this picture.
i won the lantern fight. haha
i m like a monkey. we tried to squeeze everyone into a telephone booth.

peifen n her madness.

please focus on the merlion or me instead. haha

i took this picture.
i was practising my photography skills cuz i will b taking this module when sch reopens. i wanna take GLAM PICTURES that when one look people will exclamied "WOO"/ "OMG"/"SO HOT"


ps: notice anything diff in this post??
cuz i was lazy. haha. too bored to play wf photoshop today. (:


i m loving it!!


1:31 AM

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Good day peeps. it is 7.40am in the morning and i m awake.
i know is rare to c me waking up so early.
I m curently waiting for 8.00am for my IS enrolment.
i wanna get into the modules i wan.


Everyone is doing that. haha.
damn KS right. i think so too.

*tick tok*tick tok*tick tok*

omg.hope to have gd news to blog on.


omg omg omg i dunno is gd or not?
i manage to get into photography but not television beyond entertainment.
cuz they dun offer at all. -_-"
so i took Self Discovery in Popular Culture.
which i think is the best other left.
so yeah! looking on the bright side i got into photography (:
*off to sleep*

7:52 AM

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

this movie is fantastic. (:
the dogs are soo adorable.
underdog was created through genetic engineering.
(izzit tt was i m studying now. no? ok mayb smth related to it.)
the idea was crazy (visionary) to fuse dog's DNA wf eagle's DNA so that it could fly. -_-"
to fuse dog's DNA wf leapord's DNA so that i could run as fast as it. -_-"
fuse dog's DNA wf elephant's DNA so tt dog will b as strong as an elephant. haha.
this idea sounds damn insane right?
wad if one day it is possible. will u try it?
(imagine human flying )
tt so cool can. haha
This movie is so worth it. I shall rate it 9/10 (:
i simple adore the dogs. haha.
(i look so retard there. haha -_-")

i went to watch it with miss sofina.
we ate alot today. haha
like pasta n huge german hotdog bread.
it was indeed yummy. PS offers a great varity of food.

* i was playing wf some funtions wf my photoshop. hence, it is smth new
i think is very fake. as in the effects la. haha

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

i was reading abt this mental illness online. it's very intersting.
However, i think that i have some symptons. -_-"

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that becomes apparent in some children in the preschool and early school years. It is hard for these children to control their behavior and/or pay attention. It is estimated that between 3 and 5 percent of children have ADHD, or approximately 2 million children in the United States. This means that in a classroom of 25 to 30 children, it is likely that at least one will have ADHD.
(and i think i m the 1 in my class -_-")

take fm http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/adhd/complete-publication.shtml

The symptons are
inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity

does easily losting interest in things consider having short attention span?
i can like somethink then dun like it in a few minutes.
eg: i picked up guitar lesson on impuse when i was young then i quit the class within months.

i know i am always full of energy. i can dance for hours and not feel tired.
(retard reason right) i m very active. i sleep damn late at night.
( i think peifen might have this illness too cuz she is worse then me when comes to hyperactive) -_-"

i m a impusive shopper. i buy wfout thinking. i buy it cuz i like it on first encounter.
but some tee after i bought i only wear them once. -_-"
( there is one case study abt this person hu shop alot and spend alot that have this ADHD)

omg omg la i think i m sick.

* i know u peeps will b like wadever right. cuz if i got this ADHD i dun think mine is the serious kind mayb only stage one. wait until i start screaming and hitting ppl in sch out of impuse. tt will b when i m in the last stage. n then i will b certified to stay in IMH -_-"


7:40 PM


Exclamined "OMG" wf me. (:
i went to an INDIAN CLUB. -_-"
i actually went in.
They blasted INDIAN song.
The club SMELLS!
really SMELLS la. it smells like da pian.
dun belive ask peifen. -_-"
( the da pian smell is cuz someone step on dog's poo on the way in, tt y got da pian smell.)

anyway, i went to an indian club cuz it was my indian working friend birthday.
so some of the mt faber ppl went to celebrate wf her.

she is call DEVI.
she looks chinese but was raised by an indian family.
She is 45 year old. A mother of dunno how many la.
it was fun working wf her. (:

i dunno y is the light like tt.
but is dman nice.

as i was saying clubing in an indian club is boring so i have to entertain myself cuz pf n me was like the ONLY chinese in the club. -_-"

so loser right.

so we CAM WHORE most of the time.

i love white!!peipei n her typical YEAH!! pose.

then we took "couple picz."
I think in this picture i soooo look like her bf can. -_-"
even odar say we look like couple. We r the couple number 10.
cuz i m damn skinny so like 1 then she is fat so like 0.
-_-" right?
n our "favourite" teacher told us tt we shares similar spec during pratical lesson.
how great right?


we r best friend wad.


i love doing retard stuff. it adds joy to my life. haha

she wanna kiss that hot guy. haha

she wans me to post this on my blog.

peipei went threading and she is know sooooooo proud of her own eye brown.
i seriously think my work place is damn damn rubbish or mayb i m damn spoilt. haha
i think that the big boss dun like mt faber staffs, cuz we always got "special" unwanted attention fm them. Now, they wan us to clock our time in and out. FAIR! i accept this new rule cuz almost 80% of the world is doing it. BUT BUT BUT, if one is late more than 5 minutes they need to pay $2 and after every 5 minutes another $2. likw wtf can. i sooo dun like this new rule. the best part is the MONEY GOES TO A BOX then huever is early for one month can take 50% of the money. like WTF can. y must i give money to my working peeps. -_-" like hell no la. i rather donate to charity can. i dun mind is the money goes to charity but not into my working peeps pocket. like seriously, i dun c a point in this fine thingy. i know being late is bad n all. but i m not getting paid when i m late. -_-" plus hu say being late means dun care abt work n sales.i m always late but i always do my part/share can. i WORKED!
is like the same thing. i know i m always late for sch but i still care abt my sch stuff wad. being late does not make me study less harder or work less harder wad. i still do wad i m suppose to do.
i m damn damn pissed.

12:44 AM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


went O sch today wf melise. (:

we r suppose to go for the BEG class but cuz we were late we had to take up the ADVANCE BEG class which is 1 hour later. it was not as tough as it sounds like. we had lotsa fun. (:

DANIEL lao shi was dope. his chero got alot of footworks n turning. haha i did my best and i know i still got a long long way to go. haha. i will continue to jia u in dance de.


12:02 AM

Sunday, September 16, 2007

BATTERY cam whore once again.
my music lao shi viewed my friendster and said tt i m damn zi lian.
( cuz if FULL of my own picz)
and he said tt i got some mental problem.
like i m sick in the mind smth along tt line.
like veri lonely so nothing to do then whore.
he knows think i m weird.

battery suppose to meet up on fri but only 4 can make it.
(: we ate sushi. haha
then after lunch i left for NRA.
n i was late. -_-"
(as usual right. no la.)
but i was late last friday. -_-"

speaking of late, it reminds me of my WORK.
i so think i m going to get sack.
mr J. called and tell me i dun have to work next week even though i gave my days n time.
He said that he had enough people/too many people and ask me dun need to come.
When this happens means that u r not IMPT to the company and they can survived well without you. so u r like taking their pay and not contributing to their sales and so i think i m HELL DAMN NOT IMPT AT ALL.
i think i goanna find a NEW JOB before Mr J. breaks the "sad" news to me that i m SACK cuz i dun perform at work.
perhaps i should like a BETTER JOB WITH BETTER PAY before i quit cuz anyway the company DUN NEED ME WAD. i dun c a point of working if they think i m useless and like taking their pay like taking pocket money fm parents.
i think this way is more galm then kena sack la.
it is like " HEY (insert vulgar), I QUIT!"
"since u dun need me, i dun think i wanna serve you."
"dun think i cannot survived wfout your pay. btw ur pay is like damn CHEAP"
"i felt insulted taking it. my only joy in this job is my friends not ur cheap little pay"
then walked off like how you worked it on the runway.
so glam right.
the person will b like stunned and froze on the spot.

i just cannot stand people that belittle me. i m not wd u think i m.
anyway, i think i m at fault also la cuz i m always late for like 30 min and work at weird timing.
but hor when i m late i m NOT GETTING ANY CENT wad.
i clocked in at the time i START work so i m getting wad i deverved. nothing extra wad.
mayb being late shows that i dun care abt the job. i totally dun agree.
i also always late for SCHOOL but i do care abt my studies wad. if not y i STUDY like fuck for my exams to get gd grades. i do care abt the job. but if they think i dun then fuck it.
mayb my work attitude sux, but hello INDIANS LOVE ME LA. (ask peifen) i also dunno y but they just love me BUT i dun love them la. not at all. -_-" so if my work attitude sux y tourist still LOVE me??

i m feeling damn fucked up now.

so for now, i must be prepared.
i going to get sack sooner or later.

i must make it BIG one day.
BE DAMN POPULAR ( in wadever job i do)
then i make those tt think i m useless rethink again.
it is their lost. not mine. i wanna serve u but u dun wan me to.
so u been blacklisted for life.

ok i sound damn spoilt and mean.
tt cuz i m damn fucked up abt it.
when u r pissed,everything will come out. get it?

i went party world wf my BOV friends today.
we sang. (:
they r all dman pro la. i sound like shit when compared to them.

gf n bf ... haha
since my music teacher say tt i m damn zi lian.
i shall not post any picz of me. i shall not photoshop my picz.
:X ( i m angry) haha not la..

ok i can't.

me and li xia. (:


i veri lousy, cuz i cannot dun post picz of me. but THIS IS MY BLOG la. i can do wad i like wf it. but i did not PHOTOSHOP my picz today ok. at least i did one of wad i promise to do. but tml is another day. haha


11:00 PM

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Britney Spears
what happen to her?
i used to adore her.
she was damn hot back then.
she was full of confidence and her dance was WOO and her body was great.
the greatest hits was the last of i heard of her.
every since then she seems to turn insane.
like look at her now.
*shake head*
it's britney,bitch!
gimme gimme gimme gimme more gimme more???

what is wrong wf her?

so not hot.

and her LIVE was gross. she seems to b damn lost on stage and gave the" i dun give a damn attitude" throughout the song.


( watch the vid i posted and u will y)

she seems to lost all her confidence, hotness and sex appeal.

do u wan MORE of britney? i would wan less of her or not at all.

wad a turn off!


8:44 PM

gimme gimme gimme more??
can i have lesser or not at all. (:

7:11 PM

NIGHT SAFARI cam whore!
That's the reason y i m always late.
i can't control. :X
whenever i dress up for sch/outing i will b like" omg so not me" i must capture it down.
if i dun do that, i will have no picture to blog.
( wadever)
before i start my night safari post i wanna rant abt smth first.
i wonder will u guyz take picture of stranger in the bus/mrt ?
be it for the gd or bad.
when i m on my way to the zoo, i saw this 2 guyz taking picture of stanger on the bus.
i dunno why the hell they need picture of ppl they dun know.
so weird right.
( and so i took a picture of them -_-" that makes me equal to them)
this is not the point.
this is actually the 2nd time i say ppl taking picture of other ppl on the bus/mrt.
the other time ws a grp of INDIAN MEN taking picture of GIRLS on the train.
after they took her picture they will giggle in some alien language that i cannot seems to understand. i felt so disgusted watching them do tt. it was so gross can. if they were to take my picture, i will walked towards them wf my WATER BOTTLE and will pretend to spill my WATER BOTTLE on their cheap camera and at the same time exclaimed a bitchy "opps! sorry!" then walked off. ( i know i m evil!)
i really wonder what is wrong wf them.
wd a gross act.
*pretend to vomit*
our main purpose of visting night safari is to vist our friends that are working there.
we can enter night safari for FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE .
it is because there is an digi photo outlet at night safari then we( mt faber ppl) can pretend that we are going to work at night safari cuz we share the same uniform. but once we clear the enterance... hu knows wad we r will doing. haha
damn cheapo right??

(: peifen's friends turn summer's friends

night safari
flora takes gd picture. (:
thanks to mt faber right?
peipei wf her typical "YEAH" pose
she always does that even in sch.

i look retard in this picz... like so shock right?

suspension bridge.
peipei is afraid of this.
she refused to take picture on it and insists that we walked faster.
-_-" as if it will b like london bridge.
( falling down falling down)
and finally she felt safe to take a picture
at the END of the bridge. haha
I cannot take picture of animals cuz i cannot use flash.
so i took the picure of the board. -_-"
so loser right.

and after a few picture, i gave up cuz i think is damn dumb to take picture of pictures.
so i went to FLASH the foxes.
c all their eye were blinded. haha

i love this pictue.
i told u flora takes nice pictrue.

after a while my 7.1 pixel cannon cam went dead.
i forget to charge my cam the day b4 and i never bring exra batt out.
so in the end i have to use my handphone wf 2.0 pixel cam wf not flash to take picture.
how loser can i get?
so all animals looks like this.
( black black like shit)
cannot even c anything.
but i keep trying n trying.
at least this is better.
guess wad animal is this?
hu left this on my trail?
after walking for a while we went to watched the tribal dance.
i guess is peifen fav part of the whole trip cuz she gets to c semi-naked hot guyz dancing around.
all of them got damn nice body. ( some is fats but some is muscle)
i like the fire breathing. so cool. like street fighter like tt. haha
then they dance around the fire. -_-" haha
and peifen was like drooling. she almost drowned in her own saliva. haha
next was the night show.
got otters!!
my fav animals. sooo soo soo cute la.
i wanna keep it as pet :X haha
wf a 2.0 pixel and no flash phone..
how to take nice picz.
i dunno y my cam died on me on when i needed it most.
so all animals looks like ant.
the phyton is damn damn LONG and HUGE and HEAVY.
so scary la
my fav animals.
they know how to identify plastic fm metal.
so smart right.
after the night show was home sweet home.
i shall go again if i free n i will make sure i will FLASH all the animals until i get nice picz.
i muz charge and bring exta batt if i ever visit the place.

12:56 AM